Live the moment. Cherish the present. Anticipate the future. Frame the yesteryear.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
dear qila
dear qila,
you knew that im not good with words kan. apa lagi for me to do this, its taking kinda a lot of time to figure out things that i should say.
i knew what you felt qila.
and i know that youre not gonna stop. not gonna giving up. cause he is just not someone who is inside your heart, but he is someone that made you aqila syahiena. he brought something in your life. he brought happiness, sadness yet indiscribeable feeling. yeah. i knew that. so qila. im not gonna tell you to stop,which i knew you wouldnt. im here, always here to hear everything you wanna tell, to watch every single thing happen through out your journey, and to be here, hold your hand and make it through every single dream that we dream about. i may not seem to care, but i do.i may not seem to hear, but i do, i may not seem to support you but seriously i do.
im here to tell you,
waiting isnt a crime.
Thursday, July 19, 2012
cerita jepun.
'dilla, jom pergi shah alam jomjom'
insane! thats the first thing that ever crossed in my mind when she popped out with that unthinkable idea. i had never realize what love really mean and does to some people like her, but i do realize something, love DO drive someone crazy.
gila tak gila dalam satu malam berulang alik dari kl-shah alam semata mata sebab perasaan? kalau memang nak ikutkan fikiran aku yang waras ni, memang aku dah awal awal kata tak, tapi bila tengok muka bersungguh dia nak jayakan plan yang tagkap muat tu, i decided to be a part of the-tangkap-muat game. yes, its not even a game pun, but to make it sound a lil bit interesting, i think i should just call it a game as it happen in just a blink of an eye. sedar sedar pagi aku dah ada dekat um. tak ke gila? aku kagum gila dengan determination gadis jepun dia yang pertama kali sebenarnya berlaku dalam hidup aku. kinda awesome though. kalau aku dapat lukis balik semua benda yang dah jadi plus hiperbola sikit ruparupa watak sedia ada jadi macam komik jepun, serius cerita diorang memang sama.
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this is not her for sure. haha |
sebagai kawan yang menyaksikan kisah korang dengan mata kepala aku sendiri, aku memang harap everything gonna end in a good way. 9 years to go, yes i know its kinda a long time, but hey, jodoh pertemuan semua kan ditangan tuhan. i know you'll always pray the best, and one thing for sure girls, dont lose yourself if one day thing happen just not on your way, bukan doakan sad ending ke apa, tapi kita still kena fikir every possibilities kan? and aku akan selalu doakan kau akan dapat apa yang kau impikan. im happy to see you happy, yes i do sis. cause you're my friend. and friend doesnt let their friend alone kan? sorry lah babe tulis cerita pasal kau. but seriously, ive never expected that we gonna work that plan, but its awesome anyway :)
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bear this in your mind sis. |
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well, ini untuk aku sebenarnya, hahaah :) |
Sunday, July 1, 2012
“Dan antara manusia ada orang yang menjadikan selain Allah sebagai tandingan. Mereka mencintainya sebagaimana mereka mencintai Allah. Adapun orang yang beriman amat sangat cintanya pada Allah…( Al Baqarah 2: 165)
Monday, June 18, 2012
dalam hati ada sayang :)
*amalina, lepas ni balik, jangan duduk sebelah hakim okay :)
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
manusia BIASA
tapi itu fitrah, yang aku tak boleh tolak.
no matter how far you gonna go,
how long the journey i need to take on my way to catch you up,
it doesnt matter
i'll haunt you,
with all my determination and strength.
btw, i gonna take all these things happened
as one of my motivation to succeed here.
ill see you, one day. with a dr in front of my name :)
Friday, May 25, 2012
this is the first time ever, in my entire life, ive been back stabbed by someone that i knew. its kinda hurt somehow. tapi, yes aku mengaku, tindakan aku balas apa yang kau buat tu, memang keanak-anakan. yes, aku tahu aku sepatutnya handle benda ni dengan cara orang dewasa, tapi ikutkan perasaan marah, marah ini datang dari syaitan, aku tahu tu, aku dah plan nak balas, lebih dari apa yang kau dah buat.
tapi, bila aku fikir balik, kalau aku buat benda tu, maknanya aku akan end up buat kesilapan sama macam kau buat, and im not gonna be you, ever. Nauzubillahiminalzalik.
and, thanks, sebab kau dah bagi aku satu pengajaran besar, satu, jangan percaya semua orang kat sekeliling kita. dua, buat baik berpada-pada, tiga, handle situation dgn lebih matang. empat, arghh. banyak sangat benda yang kau dah bawak dalam hidup aku.thanks, anyway.
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
rindu =='
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Path OF Life
ya Allah, guide me to the right path, drag me to the delight future, and please solve my dilemma.
since i was a little girl, i started to watch csi, bone, grey;s anatomy, house and it developed my loved towards a career which i have known that gonna sacrifices a lot of things in my life. making a decision to turn from being an engineer to a doctor is a very big decision that i've ever made in my life, because it involve money, time and feeling.
am i being to selfish that im not even thinking what if i fail on my way to be a doctor, and there's no turning back ever again? where should i place myself? marry a man and being a full time housewife? no. no. no. it's not even me. i sacrifice my feeling, my time, my money and even my SCHOLAR to chase something that i dont even see it. will it worth my sacrifice.
and for my friends, which i dont prefer to write their name, (cause it gonna make me cry)
thankyou for all the moments, and knowing you is one of the best thing that ever happened to me. im sorry for being a jerk and disturb your life in these 5 month. but, trust me, you're one of the reason why i choose to stay back then, and the reason why i feel doubt to leave Universiti Teknologi Malaysia right now. may the short friendship that we built will remain forever. love you guys.
Saturday, April 7, 2012
tapi sebenarnya, bila fikir balik, aku rasa rugi sebab tak simpan yang pertama untuk yang kekal abadi. regret sebab rasa macam buang masa, duit, semua. dosa pulak makin menimbun. tp betul jugaklah kan, apa yg dah jadi tu jadikan pengajaran, so i VOW to myself that im gonna keep my heart for the one and only, yang halal. InsyaAllah. so Allah, please protect my heart <3
Sunday, April 1, 2012
salah sendiri
Saturday, March 31, 2012
|mirror and heart|
breaks now
all of us
could hear that,
but if a heart breaks now
non of us
could hear that
i can't help asking
my self
why the suffering
of a broken heart is
always silent?
Friday, March 9, 2012
‘think of me as a dream. From the first moment i came to your life, till now that i disappeared, think of me as a dream. When you think it as a dream, when you opened your eyes, it wont hurt at all.’
Yes babe. Im closing my eyes now and how i wish when i open my eyes, the pain will gone. And im no longer know your existence.
Monday, March 5, 2012
tanpa MOTIF
arggghh, banyak betul orang post pasal cintan cintun kebelakangn ni
kan. ouch, its kinda annoyed me, bukan sebab apa yg diorang post, but t
he fact that nobody want me. hahahaha. i hate to admit it, but, swallow it adillahfarhana, reality bites somehow.

im not that desperate to find a guy just because everybody around me got a boyfiee, but based on what one of my friend told me back then when i was in form 5 'nak cari tu
biarlah yang kekal, bukan nak buat main, carilah yang elok di mata allah, bukan di mata manusia'

argghh, right on my face! time tu memang rasa mcm nak belari ke bukit tunggal dan menjerit sekuat hati, sebab im the one yg sibuk bubling pasal kawankawan yg dah ada steady. lagipun, i knew who i am. im not a girl who can be classified as a pretty, soft and charming girl that gonna melt every men's heart kan. but im believing in myself that Allah had wrote the best for me, even though i dont have a perfect body, and even a sweet smile but im proud of who i am. a lot more better than someone yg pretend to be nice in front of other people, but deep inside, hanya Allah yg maha mengetahui.

Sunday, March 4, 2012
move on
grow older, the distance separated us from our friend getting bigger.